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Parallel import formulations

In our stores you can find plant protection products such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and fungicides of our own import which are registered in the official lists of the competent ministry and have a parallel trade license for  distribution and use in the Cypriot market.

For more information on the correct use and supply of plant protection products of this category, please contact our local agronomists.

ARTIST 41.5WGFlufenacet24%Metribuzin17.5%Manufacturer:Bayer AGSelective herbicide for pre-emergence control of annual weeds in potato and other crops.Citrus (orange, mandarin, grapefruit, citrus), Acorns (almond), Apple trees (apple, pear), Stone fruit (apricot, nectarine, peach, cherry), Olives, Cotton, Tobacco, Fields after the crop has been harvested or before soil preparation for sowing, Along irrigation and drainage canals, Uncultivated areas.
EQUIP ODForamsulfuron2.25%Manufacturer:Bayer AGODFSFormuron® ODFSulfuron is a trans-systemic, selective herbicide for the control of grass and broadleaf weeds in maize.Avocet (maize).
SENCOR 600SCMetribuzin60%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.S Crop Science Division Προφυτρωτικό και μεταφυτρωτικό ζιζανιοκτόνο για την καταπολέμηση πλατύφυλλων και  αγρωστωδών ζιζανίων.Carrot, Tomato (field), Asparagus, Soybean, Wheat, Barley, Potato.
ALTACOR 35WG Chlorantraniliprole 35%Manufacturer: FMC international Switzerland SarlContact and stomach insecticide with larvicidal activity to control the most widespread lepidopterans and certain coleopterans affecting various crops.Tomatoes and aubergines (greenhouse), Peppers (greenhouse), Hot peppers (greenhouse), Green beans (greenhouse), Green beans with pods (outdoor), Cauliflower, Broccoli, Head crabs, Savoy cabbage (or Milan cabbage) (outdoor), Legumes with edible peel: Cucumber, cucumber, cucumber, pumpkin, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, squash (W+H), Lettuce (W+H), Spinach
CORAGEN 20SCChlorantranilliprole20%Manufacturer:DuPont International Operations SarlContact and stomach insecticide with larvicidal activity for the control of the most widespread lepidopterans and certain coleopterans affecting various crops.Apple (apple, pear), Peach, Peach, Peach, Apricot, Apricot, Plum, Citrus, (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, satsuma), Walnut, Chestnut, Almond, Vine (wine and table), Potato, Corn, Sweet corn, Cotton, Cotton. Minor Uses: Tobacco, Cydonia.
MOVENTO 150ODSpirotetramat15,78% Manufacturer: Bayer S.A.S., Crop Science DivisionInsecticide, belongs to the group of tetramic acids and shows a new mode of action, Aphids, Cockroaches, Mealy bug, ThripsVine, Apple trees (apple, pear, quince) Fresh beans (field and greenhouse), Fresh beans  (field and greenhouse), Strawberries (greenhouse).Minor uses: Berries: blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, (outdoor and greenhouse), Beans: dry, Legumes: bean, lentil (outdoor and greenhouse), Pomegranate, Avocado, Bulb vegetables: leek  (outdoor).
MOVENTO GOLD Spirotetramat 10% Manufacturer: Bayer S.A.S., Crop Science DivisionInsecticide belonging to the new chemical group of tetramic acids and showing a new mode of action (inhibiting lipid biosynthesis).Aphids, cockroaches, moths, pear fleas, mealybugs, thrips.
OBERON 240SCSpiromesifen24%Manufacturer:Bayer AGInsecticide – acaricide for the control of mites and mealybugs in horticultural and ornamental greenhouse crops.Tomato, Eggplant, Eggplant, Pepper, Cucumber, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Squash, Zucchini, Watermelon, Melon, Strawberry, Bean, Ornamentals (all greenhouse)
SIVANTO PRIMEFlupyradifurone20%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.S. Crop Science DivisionTrans-systemic contact and stomach insecticide for the control of mycotic and chewing insects (Aphids, Mealy Bugs, Cicadas, Cicadas, Cicadas, Phylloxera, Psyllids, Cockroaches) in outdoor and greenhouse crops. It acts at various stages of the insect life cycle (larvae, nymphs, nymphs, larvae).Apple, Pear, Vine, Brassica: tomato, pepper, eggplant (outdoor and greenhouse), Olive (table and oilseed varieties), Cucumbers: cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon, squash (outdoor and greenhouse), Lettuce (outdoor), Tobacco, Ornamentals: Floral and perennial ornamentals, Tree nurseries (greenhouse), Strawberry (greenhouse), Raspberry/Rasberry and Blackberry (greenhouse), Peas with or without pods, Dry peas (outdoor), Cotton.
ALIETTE 80WGFosetyl-Al80%Manufacturer:Bayer AGIntersystemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic action. Phytophthora,  Peronosporus, Fusicladius, Stemophilus, BacteriosisCitrus fruit (grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, orange), Apple, Pear, Pear, Quince, Kiwi, Vine (table and wine), Strawberry (Y+H), Tomato and Eggplant (Y+H), Cucumber, Pumpkin and Courgette (Y+H), Melon, Watermelon, Watermelon and Pumpkin (Y+H), Lettuce (Y+H), Artichoke, Tree nurseries (except citrus), Ornamentals (Y+H), Spinach. Minor Uses: Acacia: (Almond, Pistachio, Hazel, Walnut, Chestnut), Avocado.
FLINT 50WG Trifloxystrobin 50%Manufacturer: Bayer S.A.S. Crop Science DivisionFungicide with mainly preventive but also therapeutic action against mildew. Oidium (ash), Fusicladium, Stemphilium, Cyclonium.Vine (table, wine and raisin), Apple, Pear, Pear, Peach, Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Olive, Tomato (T), Melon (Y+H).
FLINT MAX 75WG  Tebuconazole50%Trifloxystrobin25%Manufacturer: Bayer AGMixture of two fungicides with protective and therapeutic action. Mildew (ash), Fusicladium, Alternaria, Stemphilium, Monilia, Peach exosquamous, Cyclonium, Cankerworm, Cankerosis.Vine (wine and table varieties), Apple, Pear, Pear, Peach, Peach, Peach, Peach, Apricot, Apricot, Olive, Tomato and Pepper (outdoor and greenhouse) Plum, Cherry, Cucumber, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Melon, Watermelon, Pumpkin (outdoor and greenhouse). Minor Uses: Stone fruit (peach, nectarine, apricot, plum, cherry), Eggplant (field), Artichoke.
FOLICUR 25WGTebuconazole25%Manufacturer:Bayer AGTrans-systemic fungicide with a wide spectrum of action. It is used prophylactically and therapeutically. Fusicladium, Mildew (ash), Scabies, Monilia, Botrytis, Alternaria, Anthracosis.Apple fruit (apple, pear), Stone fruit (peach, nectarine, apricot, cherry, plum), Vine (table and wine varieties), Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Cucumber, Watermelon, Melon, Pumpkin, Bean, Pea, Pea.
LUNA EXPERIENCE SCFluopyram20%Tebuconazole20%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.SS.A. S.A. S.A. Oidium (ash), Fusicladium, Stemphilus, Alternaria, Fera Sepsis, Scabies, Botrytis.Grape (wine grape varieties), Apple, Pear, Onion, Onion, Fresh Onions, Garlic, Leek, Leek, Shallot, Allium fistulosum, Peach, Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Cherry. Minor Uses: Damaskia, Pistachio.
LUNA SENSATION SCFluopyram25%Trifloxystrobin25%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.STrans-systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic action applied to a wide range of crops. Botrytis, Rhizoctonia, Mildew (ash), Anthracosis, Sectoriosis, Sclerotinosis, Black rot, Kerkosporiosis.Lettuce (greenhouse), Tobacco, Strawberries (outdoor and greenhouse), Grapes (wine and table varieties), Beans with pods (outdoor), Tomatoes, Peppers and Aubergines (greenhouse).
PREVICUR ENERGY SL Propamocarb – HCL 53%Fosetyl-Al 31%Manufacturer: Bayer AGIntersystemic fungicide with protective action. Peronosporos, Pythios.Seed (Tomato, Eggplant, Cucumber, Cucumber, Melon, Lettuce, Pepper) Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber and Melon (T), Lettuce (Y).
SERANADE ASOBacillusamyloliquefaciens (former subtilis) QST713: 96.69%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.S. – Crop Science DivisionFor the control of fungal and bacterial infestations in a wide range of outdoor and greenhouse crops.Vine, Apple trees (apple tree, pear tree, Nashi pear, quince, quince, mustard, Japanese mustard), Stone fruit (peach, nectarine, apricot, cherry, cherry, cherry, plum, Japanese plum, Citrus (orange, mandarin, clementine, lemon, citrus, citron, heather, lime, lime, water lily, kumquat, frapa), Almond, Walnut, Fig, Larch, Aronia, Solanaceae (Y+H): Tomato, bell pepper, bell pepper, chilli pepper, aubergine, melon, melon, tobacco, Pumpkin (Y+Th): cucumber, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, squash. Legumes (Y): beans, chickpeas, beans with & without pods, green, red, lima beans, peas with & without pods, vetch, witloof, lupins, lupins, vine shoots, groundnuts, soybeans, Strawberries (Y+H), Pulses (Y): Beans, chickpeas, lentils, beans with & without pods, pale, red, lima beans, peas with & without pods, pale, red, lima beans, peas with & without pods, pigeon peas, lupins, groundnuts, soybeans, Lettuce (Y+Th), Berries (Y+Th), Berries (Y+Th): Blueberries (white & black), raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries (red, black & white), carrots, leafy greens (Y+Th): endive, endaracle, dandelion, dill, earthworm, watercress, cress, kale, sorrel, lycopodium, curly lettuce, watercress, radish, witloof radish, arugula, chard, mustard red, scarole, spinach, stamnago, crabgrass (Y+Th): Cabbage: white, red, savoy, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, curly kale/kale, Potato, Sugar beet, Aromatic and medicinal plants (Y+H), Bulbous vegetables (Y): Onion, fresh onion, garlic, leek, chives, shallots, shallots, vineweed, Ornamentals (Y+H): azalea, alexandrine, African violet, African violet, carnation, carnation, gladiolus/ gypsophila, gerbera, cyclamen, cyclamen, bilberry, dahlia, hydrangea, pelargonium, primrose, primrose, tulip, rosewood, sable, chrysanthemum. Minor Uses: chestnut, hazelnut, pomegranate, avocado, peanut, pistachio, lotus, kiwi, banana (Y+H), sunflower, rapeseed, oilseed rape, crocus, asparagus, artichoke, artichoke, bamia, mushrooms (Y), outdoor and greenhouse nurseries.
TELDOR 50WGFenhexamid50%Manufacturer:Bayer AGNon-disystemic fungicide with selective preventive activity on botrytis.Vine (table and wine). Strawberry (field and greenhouse), Tomato (greenhouse), Pepper (greenhouse), Cucumber (greenhouse), Pumpkin (greenhouse), Kiwi fruit  (post-harvest application only), Cherry (minor crop).
VOLARE 687.5SCPropamocarbHCL 62.5% Fluopicolide 6.25%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.S, Crop Science Division A mixture of two fungicides for the control of powdery mildew.Potato, Cucumber, and Pumpkin (T+S), Pumpkin (Y), Melon and Watermelon (Y+S), Lettuce (round lettuce varieties) (Y+S), White and red grapefruit (Y), Cauliflower, Broccoli. Minor Uses: Aromatic plants (I), Rocket (I), Spinach (S).
VELUM PRIMEFluopyram40%Manufacturer:Bayer S.A.S, Crop Science Division Bayer CropScience Division, S.A. S.A.R.S. (S.A.R.S.). It combats nematodes and mildew (ash), has penetrating and fungicidal activity.Tomato, Eggplant and Pepper (outdoor and greenhouse), Cucumber, Pumpkin, Squash, Pumpkins, Melon, Watermelon (outdoor and greenhouse), Cucumber (outdoor), Carrot (outdoor), Banana (outdoor), Tobacco, Potato, Strawberry (greenhouse), Broccoli (outdoor), Tomato, Potato, Strawberry (greenhouse), Broccoli (outdoor).

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