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SWEEP MAX 50EC Cypermethrin

Licence No: 3259-P
Form: emulsifiable liquid (EC)
Composition of the formulation: cypermethrin 50% b/o
Auxiliary substances: 48.4% b/w

Description: pyrethrin insecticide, contact and stomachic.

Insect target: Goiter, eudermis, cicadas, cicadas, cicada, pyramid, aphids, aphids, lepidoptera, moths, daisies, stonefly, green worm, moths, fluoromycetes, periwinkle, plutella, plumose, mametella, bullhead, thrips, mealybugs, satellite, corrosive, leek worm, cicada, cicada, jumper, phytonome, tassel, leafhoppers.

Available packages: 100ml, 250ml, 1L

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